Wednesday, June 3, 2009


It driving me crazy, penetrating my head to reach a core, to start fermentation at the centre and suppress it to the failure point. The sluggish nature of “it” makes me feel eerie like I have perceived the touch of huge soft mass with greasy appearance. Tend to decay very freshly prepared state and lead or more precisely mislead to lethargic environ cavities, it heaves that state thereafter. Today I emptied my head by striking my soft brain to invisible object and then imbibed novel cogitated thoughts with enormous endeavour.

Concentrating all energies to nullify my awareness towards the presence of greasy viscous fluid pushing itself into my brain, I came to conclusion that absence of present situation can only be averted by gaining an ability to control the property of nature hindering the path of bright light. Since both light and flowing water collectively diminish possibility of presence of pseudo inferno, hence channelling the ability within sole can only avert the horrible aftermath.

But, first conscious occur alone, without being caught in peat bog, without drift. So the existence of particular perception indicates a cause, a reason and catalogue of events embedded in past time line might have a point where this reason lies. Hey! Got the knot, the most ignorant and strongest one, with more than few strings, sliding through with bumps? Occurrence of specifically negative issue leaves high degree of porosity in fragile structures.

Reason behind snails slipping through my thoughts, grabbing them and deviate them towards depth of ocean of bog where moving a muscle means breaking a bone. This reason is a truth, actually a positive aspect, a blessing or maybe I am again mislead to lethargic environ cavities. Basically this whole concept is fake, a maze in form of dark labyrinth without mercy showcases. This confusion vapour bubbling out my brain making a passage and fear of upcoming danger surmounted my heavily working heart.

And I am feeling that something initially torn, now again finding its path into my head, trying to reach a core, to start fermentation at th....................